Poin Penting

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Two temple in Tangerang serve as the Heritage

Two pagoda in the city of Tangerang, Banten, respectively Boen Tek Bio and Boen San Bio serve as cultural heritage, so that the managers of houses of worship can preserve, and can retain its original shape.

"We expect our managers to be able to preserve the temple, because it has been designated as cultural heritage," said Head of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporbudpar) of Tangerang, Tabrani, Tuesday (1 / 11).

He said that cultural heritage is certainly to be maintained, and if there is damage to dikenankan legal sanctions.

Tabrani statement, related Tangerang City Government since late August 2011, which established nine heritage, then the two of them are, houses of worship (temple) which more than 100 years old and have historical significance.

Even seven other cultural heritage, namely Domestic Architecture of China (Heritage Castle), Correctional Institution (LP) Son of Man, Woman LP Child, Youth Class IIA LP, Tangerang Railway Station, New Market Dam and Sand Kali Jami Mosque.

According to him, nine buildings that have a very high artistic value, and still in original form, as well as more than a hundred years old.

While the New Market Dam, built in the Dutch colonial period, and until now still able to function properly, to stem water Cisadane time, so as not to overflow into the downstream, flooding rice paddies, and village residents.

Similarly, Kali Sand Jami Mosque, which still stands firmly on the side of the Kali Cisadane, although had experienced a change.

In addition, the three-LP that is in the region, also he was already more than 100 years, then the shape is different from the LP kind in other cities in Indonesia.

He added that cultural heritage is used as a tourist attraction, especially for students who want to know, about the building's colonial heritage.

Source : http://hariantopnews.com/2011/11/dua-klenteng-di-tangerang-jadi-cagar-budaya/

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